Hills Christian Community School History




Hills Christian Community School (HILLS) opened in February 1983, in the former Verdun Primary School premises situated on Onkaparinga Valley Road, Verdun. The school has grown in enrolments from modest numbers to an enrolment of over 540 from the Early Learning Centre to Secondary School.

HILLS is a non-denominational School which was established by parents who desired a good standard of education for their children in a caring, environment, where Christian values and principles were actively supported and nurtured.

HILLS has no formal links to any particular Church or denomination but maintains close informal links with all local Christian Churches. The school is open (as far as its resources shall permit) to all students regardless of their parents’ economic status and Church affiliation, provided that the parents can genuinely support the aims of the school.

During the last 15 to 20 years, HILLS has developed significantly to become a school of choice within the Adelaide Hills. The staged developments have included :

  • Opening of a purpose-built Early Learning Centre (ELC) for 3 1/2 to 5 year old pre-schoolers, together with Out of School Hours care facilities and car park.
  • The construction of a Multi-Purpose Hall, which incorporates a full-size basketball court, extensive kitchen, Performing Arts classroom and three instrumental music rooms.
  • Four general purpose classrooms across Sandow Lane.
  • In January 2013, HILLS commenced a Secondary School at Oakbank with a Year 8 class. In 2020, the completion of a purpose built Secondary learning spaces at Verdun allowed HILLS to become a ‘One Campus’ ELC to Year 12 learning community.
  • Purchasing the adjoining nine acre property which includes Onkaparinga River frontage, five undeveloped acres across the river and a historic house for our students and staff to enjoy. Through partnerships with local authorities and ease of access to the natural environment, the school has developed a strong focus on nature play and environmental studies.
  • An extension to the HILLS Administration building opened in 2014.
  • The aforementioned historic house was renovated and refurbished to provide a wonderful, engaging and exciting learning space for Year 7 students. The Year 7 Centre, known as Rivermont, is now delivering an innovative teaching and learning program that includes an exciting Garden to Kitchen program. The students agree that it is a great space and a privilege to work in.
  • Extensive planting and re-vegetation to develop natural playgrounds and environmental learning spaces.
  • In 2018, the purchase of a five acre property adjacent to the school that is now the home of our newly developed Secondary School.
  • Completion of the Secondary School Stage 1 to enable the transfer of our Secondary School onto the Verdun site in 2020.
  • Completion of our Stage 2, Middle School and Music Centre in 2024.





Our former logo holds a sense of history and heritage. It has been a mark that has seen us through so much growth and at the time was true to our values and personality. Hills Christian Community School has matured over the past couple of years, we’ve honed in on our mission, evolved our positioning statement and we felt this was the perfect time to take a closer look at our visual identity. 


The Shield – Incorporating the history and tradition of Hills Christian Community School. Creating a union with the old and the new. Our new school shield is comprised of three visual elements representing the foundations of our education: Christ, Nature & Nurture

Crucifix (Christ) – Hills Christian Community School continues to deliver quality education in a supportive Christian environment.

Leaf (Nature) – Located in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, our students are immersed in rich, natural surrounding trees, fresh air, land and water. The leaf is the simplest representation of this.

Sun Rays (Nurture) – Sun rays to depict the nurturing environment we create for our students to develop and flourish. This element may also be visually interpreted as fields – the background to which our education is delivered.